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Answer: If your girlfriend is flirts with other men then there is something she is not getting from you, proberly love and attention. (Romance)

u got to flirt with her more if u want to no how to flirt look at this other question i answered How_do_you_flirt_with_your_girlfriend

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Ask her why she does that.

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Q: What should you do if your girlfriend flirts with other guys?
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Should you be with a girl if she flirts with other guys?

it is supposed to be your decision

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You should talk to your girlfriend about it. Talk to her about how it makes you feel when you see her flirting with other guys.

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That is simple. Tell her how you feel.

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It depends on how you feel about him. If you like that he flirts all the time. But if he flirts with others even while you guys are dating, you probably wouldn't want him to be your boyfriend.

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Think about what it will be like when you have a girlfriend. What will you like her to do when she meets other guys? What would you like the guys to do?

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Some guys who have a girlfriend prefer hanging out with their girlfriend depending on their age. Other's prefer their friends and may not have a girlfriend.

What do you do when a guy flirts with you and he has a girlfriend and his girlfriend hates your guts?

I would reject that two-timing scum hard and ask his girlfriend why she hates you when its her boyfriend who is trying to cheat.Were you and the guys girlfriend friends though.if not,just stay away from these people.good luck!

If a guy flurts with other girls and says he likes you is he telling the truth?

first all of its spelt flirts... and of course he like you the guys is just iteracted with other girls.. if he says he likes you you should believe hime and maybe you guys can go out!

How to let go of a guy that you like who you think likes you back but he has a girlfriend that he has been dating for a while. You work w him everyday and he flirts with youwhich makes it even harder?

first off. that last comment was mean. i think that you should tell the guy to stop flirting with you and to be loyal to his girlfriend and that you hate guys who at like low-down losers and flirt with other girls behind their girlfriend's back.

What do guys do when he likes you?

flirts or is really obnoxious

Should guys wear lipgloss cus your girlfriend likes it on you?

no because then other people will think your gay