For me to explain this better, I need to give all of you fake names. Let's call your best friend "Cali". Let's call you "Lauren". And, let's call your best friend's boyfriend "Jason".
The Obvious:First, make sure that Jason absouetly likes you. If you make a move without making sure, Cali might think that you are trying to steal Jason, without him even liking you. Try talking to Jason, say, "Hey, Jason, I know this is kind of a personal question, but do you like me?" and wait to see what he says. Remember to not tell Cali right away, it might hurt her feelings. Keep it a secret from her until you talk to Jason.
If You Tell CaliYou and Jason have to figure this out together. Otherwise, if you tell Cali before you talk to Jason at all about this, it might end up like this:
With that being said, Cali might not want to be your friend. The best thing that could happen would be:
Although, that probably will not happen. You have about a 2% chance that she will say that. Because, really, all girls would be upset about that kind of stuff. You probably would too. This is most likely what would happen:
You want to talk to Jason first, then he will know what is going on when Cali freaks out (if she does). When you talk to Jason, bring up the subject lightly, and just ask him. Here's how I would ask him:
If he said something like that, he might like you. But, if he seems to get really frustrated, he might be hiding something, encourage him to be honest with you.
He Likes You"Um, no."
Say: "Are you sure, Jason?"
If he say something like that, he probably most likely does like you. If he says the first line with a blush, or a sign of embarrassement, he SO likes you. You have to tell him that you are alright with that, and just discuss it.
No WayHe most likely doesn't like you. If he says the line, "Cali is my girlfriend." or something that shows that he is pledged to Cali, then he most likely doesn't like you." Check his emotions as well.
Reading His EmotionsBlushing/Putting His Hands Behind His Back:If he blushes and/or puts his hands behind his back, then he obviously likes you. This is a sign of his body trying to hide something from you. If this happens, try to encourage him to say it aloud, and tell him it's alright. Tell him it's alright, so he will feel comforted. Putting His Head Down/Grinning:This is another sign that he likes you. This could also mean that he doesn't want to talk about the subject at all, which means it is a great factor that he likes you. Getting Angry:If his facial expressions start to show being angry, then he is getting annoyed with you, most likely. He is upset, or he is embarrassed. If he is embarrassed, he will most likely say something like, "NO WAY!" or if he is upset, he might say, "How dare you think that I love you. Cali is my girlfriend, I would never do that to her." Straight Face:Whatever he says with a straight face is most likely the true. Or, if he says that he doesn't like you with a staight face, he might be trying to trick you into thinking that he doesn't like you because he has a straight face. If he does like you with a straight face, he might have problems with having a straight face, trying to trick you. If He Doesn't Like YouIf he doesn't like you, make a pack with Jason not to tell Cali because otherwise she might get upset with you or Jason and break up with Jason, or not be your friend anymore. If He Likes YouIf he likes you, you obviously have to tell Cali. Because, if you don't, Jason and Cali will just have a useless relationship. Jason will love you the whole time, and not her. Also, if Jason does like you, show him this page for his lines. Telling HerSince you have to tell Cali, invite her over for a movie night at Jason's house or something. Before you do this, a couple days after the talk, make sure that you and Jason look like pretty good friends. So, then, before you start the movie, you start it off. This is how it should/might look like:When Jason says "I like Lauren." There are two ways this might go. If it goes completely other ways, just try to play it by hear, and rotate speaking of you and Jason. Here they are:
Way 1:
Now, depending on how pasionate Cali is about Jason, this could go three ways. Here are three ways:
Way 1:
Way 2:
Way 3:
If Way 1 happens, then Jason has to kind of comfort her, say kind words and give her a little hug.
If Way 2 happens, then Jason, again, comfort her and say sorry.
If Way 3 happens, Lauren has to kind of go after her and say, "Cali! Come back!" And, if she continues to leave, talk to Jason again.
Way 2:
Now, when Jason says "We don't hate you. I just, I love Lauren." her heart is going to be snapped into bits. Her heart is going to burst. This, again, might go two ways. Here they are:
Way 1: Cali: "Love Lauren? Oh please."
Way 2: Cali: "How could you?"
Way 3: Cali: (She might leave) "Whatever."
If Way 1 happens, then that is really rude to you. You should say, "What? Cali, I thought we were friends."
If Way 2 happens, Jason should say, "I'm sorry. It's love. I can't force myself to love you."
If Way 3 happens, chase after her if she runs. You should chase her. And, you should say, "Cali! We're sorry!"
With Luck...With luck... Cali will accept it. And, if you actually like Jason back, then date him. It shouldn't matter, and plus, he loves you. Save kissing for mostly when Cali isn't around, but feel free to express your love. Remember To Show Him This!Remember to show Jason this, because, it has tips, lines, what could happen, and more. Good Luck!It depends no what your definition of 'bf' is. 'Bf' could be best friend or boyfriend. If it is your best friend, then its because he doesn't really love you. If its your boyfriend, then he's not really your boyfriend, is he? If your boyfriend doesn't say he loves you or even admits to it, he's not really your boyfriend.
No because it shows that just really like him.
That really depends on how she became your ex-best friend. Because chances are she told her boyfriend all about you, and he knows to stay away from you.
I believe that getting your friend to dump your boyfriend is wrong. Tell her she has to do it herself or it will really break his heart. If her boyfriend is really immature he wont believe you if you tell him anyway. If you have to do it, break it to him gently, somewhere along the lines of "Amy really likes you but she thinks it will be best if you just stayed friends, maybe you should talk to her about it, sort things out." That will force your friend to talk to him herself. Hope this helps!
Just ignore what people are saying. Do not lose your best friend because of what people are saying.
i dont think that is a true friend because a true friend would not like ur boyfriend and your boyfriend is not true either if he likes her back think about n pick bettre friends and boyfriends
if you realy love your best friend then you really shouldn't be with anyone except him if your using your boyfriend that just isn't fair but before you finish with your boyfriend make sure your feelings for you best friend are real because whilst going out with a best friend can be great the break ups are often harsh
You could refer to a friend you once had that may have had a really good boyfriend, and say that you'd like that in a relationship.
Well it depends. Is your boyfriend's best friend recently been dumped? Cause then he could be confused. Or maybe, you make your boyfriend really happy and his best friend wanted to be happy too. You should tell your boyfriend if you really love him.
If your friend is someone that you would really want to call a friend and ya'll do just about everything together then yes you should tell your friend that her boyfriend that he hit on you because it looks like he doesn't have any respect for you or his girlfriend.
well first off it is always flattering to have someone like you? But for it to be your boyfriends friend that can cause problems for you. If you really wanna be with your boyfriend you really should only hang around his friend in a comfortable setting and you should let your boyfriend no about what you have discovered.
First, you should tell your friend and your boyfriend in a calm manner that you are jealous. If this person really is your friend, she'll make sure that she's talking not flirting with your boyfriend. I would tell him how I feel and then I would tell her how I feel and if it doesn't change, she's not your friend or he's not your friend; but that's okay because maybe you'll find another awesome guy.