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Look, it's not like you caught them in flagrante delicto, but it's pretty close. Let's face it: she's got feelings for another guy. If you still like hanging with her and she with you, fine. Leave it alone. Just understand you're not the love of her life and she could be gone tomorrow. But if you're not comfortable with that, if it's gonna eat you up and make you all (bad word removed) when you see her, then break up with her and move on. Take it from the other side, i held hands with the guy i liked even though i was dating another guy and he knew i liked the guy. My boyfriend just asked me what was up. That is the best way to sort things out, communication I just said that I liked him but i still liked the other guys too. My boyfriend just asked if i wanted break up and i said i would back off the other guy. if your girlfriend is anything decent then she'll back off the other guy. Nicely tell her that you saw her holding hands with another guy and it bothers you. If she really likes you, she will understand.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Stay calm, i know it may upset you or make you angry and sad, but you have to move on and know that he may not be the one for you. Think of other things that make you happy in life, do those things, and enjoy life and don't go into depression.

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10y ago

Back off and either wait for him (if you can wait) or move on with your life and enjoy what you've got. Who knows, something better may come along.


Don't just go feeling sorry for yourself - do something! Try to become better friends with him. Try not to make it seem too much like flirting, though, because his girlfriend might get jealous and become angry with you. (If there is a confrontation in some way, apologize and explain to her that you were not trying to flirt, and that you are just friends.)

Really, just get to know each other better, and maybe by some trick of fate (or not!), he might be coincidentally single soon, and it'll be your chance.

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13y ago

Omg I've been through this before i know what it feels like! if you catch him when he's flirting go up to him behind his back tap very gently on his shoulder when he turns around he WILL be suprised(unless he's not human) and say "it's NOT what you think" but girl all you do i use these usefull things called hands and slap him across the cheak as hard as you can don't go running away crying show him you can be brave and the next day when he's looking at you go up to another guy and just snog him...then when youre finished you turn round and walk sassily with pride and when you walk part ur ex...whisper "I warned you"and just walk along

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13y ago

You wait till he breaks up with the girl. If your not already friends with him, then become friends first.

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12y ago

Simple, Respect the woman code and leave it alone. Ever heard of this: If you like someone set it free, if it comes back its yours.

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13y ago

either try to make him/her jealous or tell him/her how you really feel.

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11y ago

Ignore it. Everyone flirts. You don't own him.

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Kissing and holding hands, the end.

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