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you have a few options, massage your whole stomach area clockwise for a few minutes concentrating on sore or hard spots, or have a remedial massage therapist do it for you, squat on the floor which helps open up the colon or do a yoga class the twists in yoga are great for moving faecal matter thru the colon, eat lots of veges rich in fibre or physillium husk (metamucil) affimations such as "life flows freely thru me" said daily - - - -

Also try laxatives and/or bran flakes (fiber-rich foods, as recommended above). . .

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Q: What should you do if you have been constipated for a week?
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Related questions

When should a constipated person call a doctor?

A doctor should be called if an elderly or disabled person is constipated for a week or more or if a child seems to be constipated.

You are pregnant and you have been constipated for a week and you feel pressure to go but only gas with a mucus like substance comes out?

I believe you should consult with your doctor's office, as I assume that in the course of that week you already tried a gentle laxative.

Is possible to bleed if you are constipated?

It is possible to bleed when you are constipated because the anal has been stretched while pushing out hard stools.

Is it bad to be constipated?

Not passing a stool for a couple days or so is not necessarily a problem, unless you're the kind of person that passes 3 stools a day. In other words, your bowel habits determine how constipated you are. If you normally pass a stool only 3 times a week, you are still considered to have normal bowel habits. Getting on to your question, it varies on how constipated you are. If you are constipated for only a few days and then your bowel habits return to normal, there is nothing to worry about. Only when constipation lasts for a long time or is combined with other symptoms do you need to contact your doctor. Even still, being constipated is not good for your bowels and it is wise to drink a lot of fluids and eat fiber to prevent this symptom.

Can you get constipated from cinnamon?

I think so because I've been eating cinnamon in order to fix my kidneys, and the only different thing is cinnamon. Every since I've started taking it I've been constipated.

What causes 5 week old puppies to become constipated?

The wrong diet. It should be on a loose mixture of cereal and milk. To loosen the bowel, add a little fish oil to the mixture and retire to a safe distance.

How do you get un-constipated as I have been constipated regularly and I spent 1hour in a public toilet Help?

There are loads of 'over the counter' remedies to cure constipation, available from any pharmacist.

What do you do for a constipated goat?

You make it un-constipated.

Your daughter has been constipated for 3 weeks what can you do she is in pain and her legs are swelling?

Consult a pediatrician.

How relieive in consitipation?

If you are constipated than you can take a stool softener or laxative and that should relive it

Can a goldfish be constipated?

Yes, not over-feeding, and feeding them cooked de-shelled peas at least once a week can help avoid constipation

2 week puppy is constipated?

At this age, the puppy should still be with the mother who will lick the puppy in order to make it go to the bathroom. If the mother is no longer around (which I assume you are bottle feeding if not) you can gently rub the puppy's stomach and back to help move the food down through their digestive system. At this point, their bodies are not strong enough to do so. If the puppy has been constipated for a while you should seek vet assistance.Also...The puppy might be wormy, making it harder for it to "go." Most de-wormer medications recommend the first dose be given at two weeks of age.