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go to the doctor

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Q: What should you do if you have a concussion?
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Should you go to school tomorrow if you suffered a concussion?

if u know for sure its a concussion stay home=== === === ===

Should you be excessively concerned that your boyfriend got a concussion?

With any type of head injury occurs you should seek immediate medical attention. You should be concerned, but it depends how serious the concussion was.

Should i play football with a concussion My team really needs me?

You should not play football with a concussion. The long-term consequences far outweigh the short-term sacrifices.

Should you seek medical attention due to a concussion?


Should your son play football after a concussion?

go for flag for a season

What is a double concussion?

A double concussion is a concussion that immediately follows the first concussion, or occurs before the injured party is asymptomatic.

What should you do if you think a teammate has a concussion?

Stop the game and get the refs attention. Go off the pitch and get assessed by the first aider. After a concussion you should rest for a 30 days with grade 3,or 24 hours with grade 1 recent studies show sports activity after a concussion slows down recovery time.

Should kids who have had a mild concussion go on the computer two days later?


What is post concussion syndrome?

Post-concussion syndrome is a condition in which symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and difficulty with concentration persist for weeks or months after a concussion. It can also include symptoms like irritability, fatigue, and changes in sleep patterns. Treatment may involve rest, cognitive therapy, and medications.

If you have a concussion can you take Valium?

Can you take Diazepam with concussion.

How do you know if you don't have a concussion?

no longer headaches nausea vomiting area in head is swollen if doctor lease has not been prescribed to patient and individual does not feel any like symptoms of a concussion you should wait an extra day to examine the concussion on effected part of the head(cranium/brain)

What are they main symptoms of a concussion?

Some symptoms of a concussion that you should be aware of are: headache, temporary loss of consciousness, dizziness, ringing in the ears, nausea or vomiting, confusion or slurred speech. If you have had any kind of injury to the head or suspect you may have a concussion, please visit your doctor or walk-in-clinic.