

Best Answer

Soothe the burn with oil from an aloe vera plant.

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Q: What should you do if you get burned?
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beacause if you dont you culd get burned

What should we do if chemicals burned and explosion?

Follow the instructions in the MSDS.

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You should wash it under cool water and then put ice.

What should you keep away from irons?

Because it is dangerous! You wanna get burned

What should be done when flag touches the ground?

it should be burned. in a nice way, not a creppy pyro way

How many calories burned from 98 minutes of tea bo?

For a 98 minute workout of tae-bo the calories burned should be about 1390-1400.

What to do if your green anole gets burned?

If your green anole gets burned, you should keep it in a cool, but not that cool spot for about a minute or two, then put it in a place at room temperture, and it should take a few months for it to heal

Burned my big toe from my hair straightner should i ice it?

If you have burned your big toe while using your hair straightener, you should not ice it. Instead, run the area under some cool, but not cold water.