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Drink lots of water, hold a hot water bottle to your stomach, keep close to the toilet or keep a sick bucket close.

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Q: What should you do if you feel like you going to vomit all the time?
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What should you do when your at home and you feel like your going to vomit?

lay on a flat surface, rub your belly and later on drink some cold water, this will help

Why do you feel like you are going to vomit after performing fellatio?

It could be repeated triggering of the gag reflex.

What treatment should you do when your at home and feel like your going to vomit?

eat lots of cheese and pickles haha no dont do This! if you do you probably will puke. I dont havean actual answer for this

If you feel like you are going to vomit what do you do?

go see a doctor. possible issues could be a stomach ulcer which is pretty bad.

Why do you feel like vomiting after last day of period?

If you feel like vomiting after the last day of you period, you may just have a virus. There should be no reason to vomit just over your period.

What causes me to feel like i need to vomit but I can't?


What does the word queasiness mean?

If you feel "queasy" you usually feel sick, like you want to vomit.

I just got my period 3 days ago still on it and been feeling like I'm going to vomit for the pass week now I feel like I'm going to vomit when i eat something in the morning. Am I pregnant?

morning sickness is not only in the morning. It could be throughout the entire day. if you are unshore go to a GP.

Why do you vomit every full moon?

Because I feel like it, that's why.

If your friend is making herself vomit what do you do?

Definatly try to talk her out of it. If she keeps going just try to comfort her so she doesnt feel like she has 2 make herself puke.

I belch a lot and feel like im going to vomit but dont. Could this be a sign that im pregnant?

I burp when I'm about to puke or when I feel like i'm going to. I've been doing it for about ten years. I also puke when something is really nasty. I don't think it's a sign of pregnancy