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bite them back?...this is a strange question

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Q: What should you do if someone bites you?
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Related questions

What are dog bites?

When a dog bites someone or something.

What is the record of the most mosquito bites on someone?

1 bajillion

What happens when someone bites you?

if you get bit by someone you can sue someone and get them put in jail or take them to court but it will turn purple

Which profession would normally be interested in pictures of insect bites?

An entomologist is someone who works with insects, and if you want someone to identify a bite, an entomologist should be your first bet. However, if you want extra medical advice, you should still visit a doctor.

You are wondering if you should get snake bites so what are the bad things about snake bites?

they kill you stupid

What would happen if a dog bites you and it has shots?

Nothing should happen unless the dog bites you severely

Should I get canine bites?

I look like this

Should you reprimand a cat if she bites you in the face?


What does it mean when someone bites your ear?

Biting someone's ear can be seen as a playful or intimate gesture, depending on the context and the relationship between the individuals involved. It can convey affection, flirtation, or even aggression, so it is important to consider the situation and the person's intentions when interpreting this action.

What type of dogs bites should be treated?

All dog bites should be treated. Seek advice from your doctor or nearest emergency department of your local hospital.

What makes someone a magnet to rabies?

What Makes Someone a magnet to rabies is if an animal with rabies bites, licks, or attacks you.

Besides going to the doctor for bed bug bites what can you do?

you can try going to a web site were it tells you how you can treat it if your trying to get rid of it you should call someone to remove them from your house or bed