shortness of breath and coughing?...I had a cold but should i go see doctor
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that consuming cold water leads to increased coughing.
It could be, but not necessarily. Coughing is more likely due to a cold or flu.
by coughing in someones face
no but if they are coughing, you should bring them to your local vet and get a medicine for coughing just in case they have a cold
i have got a cold and i am getting over it but when i was coughing a got saw lungs
my lungs are score from coughing so much
These symptoms would be consistent with a Cold.
the symptoms for a cold are headaches, stuffy nose, and coughing.
The common cold is caused by a rhinovirus, and it is spread through aerosolized droplets (the air) via coughing and sneezing. It is also a rather hardy little virus that can be passed on inanimate fomites (hard objects like door handles and elevator buttons). This is why you should cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and why you should wash your hands regularly.
symptoms are like if you had a cold and the symptoms are runny nose, coughing, and fever.
Coughing after consuming a cold drink is a common reflex that occurs in some people due to the sudden temperature change irritating the throat. It is not a serious issue and usually resolves quickly.