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nm.. wbu??

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Q: What should i say when a guy say what's up?
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What to say to a guy in first text to him?

just say hi or hey. then maybe whats up

What do you say when a guy says What is good?

He's only asking whats up.

Have a crush on this guy at school but he likes someone else what should you do?

Give him very small hints and some times just say hey or whats up to him

What are some things to say to a guy you like?

hey whats up, how r u doin?

How do you start a conversation with a guy you like?

easy. just walk up and say hi, im ..... . or if u already no him just say hi and ask whats up

What to say while talking to a guy?

you say can just ask him like whats up, did you hear..., just what you would say to a girl but not so much that it will freak him out!

What should you say if a guy lifts his chin up at you?

Why did you lift up your chin.

wHaTs YoUr FaVoRiTe WoRd To SaY!! ;) mines is " thats whats up?

"tahst whats up" lol -_- ;)

How do you say so what have you been up to?

You say whats up?

How can you attract a boy from far distance?

Look cute of course. Act nice. Go up to the guy you like and punch him in the arm and say "whats up?" wanna go out?

What do you say when someone says hey baby?

well if its a guy say whats up my man, or something to keep him on the tip of his chair. as for if its a girl say, hey gal what u up to or something to make her feel special.

When the guy that just broke up with you tells you your awesome?

Whats the question?