depends on if ur with someone, if yes then that up to you, if not then get sum clothes on.
Well, if you have a spouse, then you need to come clean right off the back. They will find find out eventually.
Why should i answer, because you touch yourself at night, oo im scared
you should be naked whenever you can it feels great I'm naked write know
Well If Your Girl Loves You And Thinks Yoor Hot and Horny They'll Love it My girl Did and We Had A Amazing Night And im Under 15 and it Was SAFE
Yes every night she smoke and strips naked at the same time for the hole world to see No im joking she does smoke though cant you tell from her voice and how she sings
Im a stripper and this is my lyfe
Yeah - embarrassed FOR you.
you get naked and say im here baby
Walking around naked should be a human right, because humans are naked in their natural state.
Im 15 and i do
No. Just make sure she has night clothes when you stay overnight with other people!
our naked eyes...