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A boil is a deep infection of the hair follicle caused by bacteria. They may burst and drain on their own, but some that are at risk of serious complications should be incised and drained.

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Q: What should happen when a boil starts to drain?
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How do you remove a boil from the center of your back that you can't reach?

If the boil is deep and difficult to reach, it's best to seek medical help from a healthcare professional. They can drain the boil safely and may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection. Do not attempt to pop or drain the boil yourself as this can lead to further complications.

How do you treat a boil or risen?

Boils or furuncles can be treated by applying warm compresses to the area to help it drain, keeping the area clean, and avoiding squeezing or popping the boil. In some cases, a doctor may need to drain the boil or prescribe antibiotics.

What would happen if you boil aspirin?

the will be bubbles

Should you squeeze a lanced boil?

No, you should not squeeze a lanced boil. Squeezing can lead to further infection or scarring. It's best to allow the boil to drain on its own after it has been lanced by a healthcare professional.

What change take place when water start to boil?

when a water starts to boil it evaporates in to gas from gas to liquid

What is an real world example of convection?

cooking and the water starts to boil.

Can you pop a boil?

You can pop a boil but it is not recommended due the risk of further infection. You can make the boil come to a head by laying a washcloth rinsed in hot water over it. The will help the infection rise to the surface. As this happens the boil will open up and begin to drain.

What happened when water heated?

when water gets heated it starts to get excited and it stats to boil and there are atoms inside which viabrate and makes the water boil.

What will happen to the water when the temperature rises?

It will boil and eventually evaporate.

What will happen if you increase both the pressure and temperature of a liquid?

It will boil

What happens to a gas when it is put into a container?

the gas starts to bubble up (boil) and when you put cold gases in it it startes to cool down the gas starts to bubble up (boil) and when you put cold gases in it it startes to cool down

How do you remove contaminants from water?

it depends on what it is, usually boiling and putting the gas in another container but if it a parasite or other living organisms,cook it until it starts to boil and that should have killed it