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give them plenty of room, and pass when safe

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Q: What should a motorist do when they approach a bicyclist from the rear?
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What should you a motorist do when they approach a bicyclist from the rear?

Move to the left as much as possible.

What should a motorist do when they approach a bicyclist from rear?

give them plenty of room, and pass when safe

What should a motorist do when approaching a bicyclist from the rear?

give them plenty of room, and pass when safe

What should a motorist do when they approach a byciclist from the rear?

Go round him giving him plenty of room, plenty of room meaning enough space to open an imaginary car door.

When approaching a bicyclist from the rear you should slow down and?

..traffic permitting, give him some extra room as you're overtaking.

You are an uninsured motorist and you ran rear ended a car because the other party stopped in the middle of street The quote from the insurance is very high and you refuse to pay what can you do?

get a lawyer. you should have had one from the beginning.

What type of mirror is used by a motorist to see the road behind him?

A rearview mirror is typically used by a motorist to see the road behind them. This type of mirror is usually located on the windshield or dashboard and provides a reflection of the rear view of the vehicle.

You are an uninsured motorist and rear end a car now the insurance company wants you to pay the damages you refuse to pay what will the insurance company do will you be sued what can be done?

not sure

Which side do you approach a helicopter with a patient?

You should make eye contact with the pilot and follow his signals. He may not want you to approach at all until he shuts down. Due to the way helicopter engines are cooled, this may take a couple minutes. At any rate, you should NEVER approach a running helicopter from the rear. The tail rotor is every bit as deadly as the main rotor.

If you rear-ended someone and you dont have collision will your insurance company still pay for the damage of your car?

No your vehicle is not covered. That is why it is always recommended that you carry comp and collision and uninsured motorist.

Where should reflectors be mounted?

on the rear

What the best approach to recover from a skid is the same for both front and rear wheel frive vehicles?
