The population of Cramlington is 39,000.
Cramlington Rockets was created in 2000.
Cramlington Learning Village was created in 1969.
Cramlington railway station was created in 1847.
The CLV stands for Cramlington Learning Village which is cramlington high school but it is called the CLV.
Cramlington is in Northumberland in England it is a fairly big town not far from Newcastle about 30 minutes away from it. Hope this helps.
Buy them at discount shops or get presents of walks.
The English town Cramlington is famous for a few things including the fact that popular musician Sting worked there as a school teacher for 2 years before becoming a singer, and also for the 1930's 'Hunger March.
A lord would make sure an entire manor was in check. They would check that the crops were OK with the serfs, check the shops to make sure that they met the Guild's requirements, and paid for knights to protect the manor.
Manor is a noun.
In feudal times, the manor was ruled by the Lord of the Manor.