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Q: What rust does to your health?
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Does rust in a horse waterer harm the horse?

No rust in a horse's water does not harm the horses. Our horses have rusty water and they in perfect health.

What happens if you inhale rust?

Inhaling rust particles can lead to respiratory issues such as lung irritation and possibly pneumonia. It's important to seek medical attention if you have inhaled rust particles to address potential health concerns.

How do you fix rust in Water well tanks?

Replace the tank! I know it costs money. Your health will improve instead of drinking and bathing and cooking with rust and all the other stuff that results from it.

Is it dangerous to have rust in a teakettle?

Rust in a teakettle is a concern as it can contaminate water with iron oxide, which can be harmful if ingested in large amounts. It is recommended to avoid using a rusty teakettle to prevent health risks. It is safer to replace the teakettle or try to remove the rust if possible.

What damage can rust cause?

Rust can weaken metal structures, leading to structural failure. It can also reduce the effectiveness and lifespan of machinery and equipment. In addition, rust can contaminate water sources and pose health risks if ingested.

Can you eat rust?

Eating rust can be harmful to your health, as it contains iron oxide and other contaminants. It may cause stomach irritation or other digestive issues if ingested. It is not safe or advisable to eat rust.

Is rust in your dishwasher poisonous?

Rust in your dishwasher can potentially be harmful if it comes into contact with your dishes, as it may contain lead or other toxic chemicals. It is best to avoid using a dishwasher with rust and consider having it repaired or replaced to ensure the safety of your dishes and health.

Will you die if you eat rust?

Eating rust is not recommended as it can be harmful to your health. While a small amount may not cause immediate harm, consuming large quantities of rust could lead to gastrointestinal issues and potentially toxicity due to the presence of iron oxide. It's best to avoid consuming rust and seek medical advice if you accidentally ingest it.

Why do pipes rust?

Plastic pipe does not rust, brass does not rust, copper does not rust. Stainless steel does not rust, lead pipe does not rust.

Can you put nails in water to drink rust water?

It is not safe to drink water that has rust from nails in it as it can contain iron oxide which may be harmful to your health. It is recommended to drink clean, filtered water for your hydration needs.

Will rust in your water hurt you to shower?

Rust in water is not generally harmful to shower with, but it can stain the skin and clothes. However, if the rust is accompanied by other contaminants or bacteria, it may pose health risks. It is recommended to install a filter or contact your water supplier to address the issue.

What is the difference between rust resistant and rust proof?

Something that is rust resistant will not rust easily; minor exposure to water will not cause it to rust. Something that is rust proof will not rust.