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Q: What removes extra water and waste materials from our body?
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How does skin remove wastes from the body?

The skin removes body heat, water and other waste materials.

What intestine removes water from waste?

Large Intestine

The removes waste from blood?

Drinking water and sweating it back out.

What materials dissolve in ocean water and how are these materials removed?

== == materials get into water by animals waste

What does a contractile vacuole do for an organism?

It involve in excretion. It removes extra water

What waste materials comprise sweat or perspiration?

the waste materials are deadcells,excess salts and water

What organ removes excess water urea and metaboliz waste from the blood?


What organ has foods that are undigested and removes water and salts from waste?

Large Intestine

What stores food water and waste materials?

The Vacuole stores food water and waste.

What removes water from the wastes forming a solid waste called feces?

The large intestine

Removes water and waste from blood to bladder?

The kidneys remove water and waste from blood, turning them into urine. The urine is then sent to the bladder for storage before excretion.

What is the function of the contraction vacuole?

It is a membrane bound sac.It removes extra water inside the cell.