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Your Mother would be your Neice's "Great Aunty"

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Q: What relationship is my mother to my niece?
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What relationship is my niece to my mother?

Your niece would be your mothers granddaughter.

What relationship is your mother's niece's daughter to you?

You and your mother's niece are first cousins to each other, so your and the niece's daughter are fist cousins, once removed.

What is the relationship of me and my cousins children?

Aunt or uncle and they nephew and niece, there's not other relationship term that can fit that relationship unless in a mother tongue.

What is your relationship with your wife's niece's daughter?

Your wife's niece is also your niece, and her daughter is your great niece. It is to be hoped that you do not have a relationship WITH her, merely TO her.

What is the relationship between your great uncles niece and you?

Your great uncle's niece could be your mother, or your aunt. It is also possible that she is not related to you at all, as you might not share a common ancestor.

What relationship is your niece daughter to her uncle?

great niece

What is my Niece's relationship to my grandchild?

Great grand niece

Are you your mother's brother's niece?

Assuming that you are a female and that your mother actually has a brother, then yes, you are your mother's brother's niece.

What relationship is your niece's child to you?

Your niece's child is your great niece if she is a girl, or your great nephew if he is a boy.

What is the relationship between you and your mother's maternal uncle?

Your mother's uncle, whether maternal or paternal, is your great uncle. You are his great nephew if you are male, and his great niece if you are female.

What relationship are you to your father's niece?

You and your father's niece are first cousins.

What is the relationship of your niece's grandson to you?

Your niece's grandson is are your great-grandnephew.