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Q: What really takes your wrinkles away?
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Will wrinkles go away if you quit smoking?

It is proven that smoking makes the skin wrinkle. When you stop smoking, the wrinkles will not go away, as this is a long-term aftermath of smoking. You can treat the wrinkles with cream to minimize them, but they won't go away completely. This is a reason why you you should not smoke!

What eye wrinkle cream reduces wrinkles?

There are tons of products on the market that claim to reduce or remove wrinkles. None of them will take the wrinkles completely away but Olay Regenerist does firm them up.

What does Justin's mom do when she grouds him?

She takes away his phone or laptop, really just a normal grounding

What are the faces on the moon at night?

The "faces" are just "wrinkles," or imperfections, on the moon. The moon is like the earth and has valleys, and mountains. From far, far away, we see "faces" because of the wrinkles.

Do anti wrinkle creams really work?

Some anti-wrinkle creams will help in lessening the effects of wrinkles, however, there are no products in the market which can completely eliminate wrinkles.

What is the difference between flood and flash flood?

Flash flood comes and goes really quick. A flood takes longer and takes longer to go away.

Why do you have wrinkles on your anus?

Well, honey, wrinkles on the anus are totally normal as we age. It's just a part of life, like taxes and bad reality TV. So, embrace those wrinkles and remember, it's what's on the inside that really counts.

How do you know when someone takes your breathe away?

When your around them and your suddenly nervous, your heart beats really fast, and every time your away from them you wish you can be with them all the time even if you been a second away.

Is your foods not really inside you?

yes the food is inside u. the stomach takes the nutrion and throw the waste away. **CuB**

Does evaporation add or take away energy?

Evaporation takes away energy from the surroundings because it requires heat energy to convert liquid water into water vapor. This process is endothermic, meaning it absorbs heat energy from the environment, resulting in a cooling effect.

What do wrinkles on a dog's face mean?

ur dog has aids. no really, see the vet. my dog has aids

What problems may occur if you don't consume enough of pineapples?

you will get wrinkles a lot faster than if you do consume pineapples.....especially if you drink pops but no pinapples. Pinapple juice is also very good at keeping the wrinkles away