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Q: What produces active immunity without causing illness?
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What are two ways in which active immunity can be acquired?

Active immunity can be acquired through natural exposure to an infectious agent, which triggers the body's immune response to produce antibodies. It can also be acquired through vaccination, where the immune system is exposed to a weakened or inactivated form of the pathogen, leading to the production of antibodies without causing illness.

What is a small amount of dead or modified tocsin to produce immunity?

A small amount of dead or modified toxin is used in a vaccine to stimulate the immune system without causing illness. This exposure helps the body develop immune cells and antibodies that can recognize and fight off the toxin if encountered in the future, providing immunity to the disease.

Do the injected microorganisms have the same antigens as the live pathogen?

The injected microorganisms in a vaccine may have the same antigens as the live pathogen, but they are weakened or killed to prevent disease. This allows the immune system to recognize and build immunity against these antigens without causing illness.

The purpose of introducing weakened microbes into the body of an organism is to stimulate the?

Immune system to react and prepare the organism to fight future invasions by these microbes.

Is it possible to live only on Bananas and Sardines without it causing illness?

I don't know but if you try it we'll find out

How do vacines work?

Vaccines work by exposing the immune system to a weakened or inactive form of a specific pathogen, stimulating the production of antibodies. These antibodies recognize and attack the pathogen if the individual is later exposed to the same disease, preventing infection or reducing its severity. This leads to the development of immunity against the disease without causing illness.

The process of vaccination?

Vaccination involves administering a vaccine to stimulate the immune system to produce an immune response without causing the disease. The immune system then remembers the pathogen and is able to swiftly recognize and destroy it if the person is later exposed to the actual virus or bacteria. This helps to prevent illness and spread of the disease in the population.

Who does the Congress have immunity from?

It means they can do what they think is right. They can do this without punishment.

What is the difference between absolute immunity and sovereign immunity?

The difference of absolute immunity from sovereign immunity is that all personal civil liability without limits or conditions even as a requirement of good faith and compare qualified immunity are exempted. Meanwhile, sovereign immunity is the absolute immunity of a sovereign government that prevents it from being sued.

Why arent antibiotics prescribed for viral illnesses?

during viral illness immunity it dosent work properly living the organism without protection.After virus infection it commune to be confection by bacteria.Although antibiotics doesent have any effect to the virus they will help our organism to prevent a bacterial infection.

What is the difference between active immunity and passive immunity?

Active immunity is when the body produces its own antibodies in response to an antigen, providing long-lasting protection. Passive immunity is when antibodies are transferred from one individual to another, providing immediate but temporary protection.

What does without incident mean?

Without causing a scene or perpetuating an "incident"; in other words, without causing drama(slang).