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Dear Readers This is a good question since the toes of the feet do not have very specific or well recognized function (unlike fingers in the hands which have enormous relevance in human activities). Nevertheless, importance of toes can be realized by visualizing the state of deprivation when these are amputated. I think that if toes are amputated, following effects may be seen (i have no expertise on the theme, these are just general observations): 1. Foot are the base of the pillar of the body, i.e., they bear the body weight and keep the body standing while taking care of Centre of Gravity of the body. Larger the area under feet, better the balance of the body during standing posture. So, removing toes of both feet will reduce foot area and thus disturb body balance - infact the person has to lean bit backward as compared to one with complete feet. And, removing toes from one foot will also distort the body posture - the person has to lean more towards the healthy foot (foot with toes). In long run this may cause strain in vertebral column. 2. Since feet bear weight of the whole body, muscles of the feet need to be relaxed time to time. Normally we do it by moving or twisting toes - this gives refreshing effects to feet. I feel that a person without toes will not be able to do this relaxing exercise that efficiently. As a result his walking performance will suffer. 3. Toes also provide articulation functions - i.e., they provide different customizations or forms of foot surface as per the shape of the ground underneath. This largely help the person in maintaining balance in odd terrain conditions and during running position. Person without toes in his one foot/both feet will suffer imbalance in such tasks. 4. Toes play relevant roles in number of sports (eg football), mountain climbing, dances and many athlete tasks. Removing toes will hamper performance in these these activities. 5. Toes help to hold slippers (in many models of slipper). Person without toes will have lesser choice of slippers and shoes as well. 6. Toes play crucial role in changing gears in many motorbikes. This function will particularly suffer. 7. There is loss of beauty aspect also, that is very obvious - since 'beauty firstly means that all parts of the person/object are intact'. But here my intension is to mention deprivation that ladies may value and that is 'the loss of scope of nail policing and other pedicure practices'. (Dr Jagdamba Prasad;

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Q: What problems do you have if all of your toes are amputated on one foot?
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not all people because they might have lost some toes but if you have all your toes on one foot the answer would be yes.

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multidisciplinary-i have 6 toes on one foot. (out of ordinary)interdisciplinary-i have no toes at all. (boring)

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Even. They have two hoofs on each foot known as cloven hooves. Thus, on the whole they have 2x4= 8 "toes".

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they have 7 toes on each foot, but yoou cant see 2 of them because they are invisible to the human eye. init.

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I'm not sure, but Robert had all of his toes removed.

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The black, or hooked-lipped, rhino, along with all other rhino species, is an odd-toed ungulate (three toes on each foot).

Does a mustang horse have two toes?

No. Like all horses, mustangs only have one toe per foot.