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Well, different teens go through different things. But in the end, it's all the same things. Depression is one thing. It could be with relationships with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Whether it's breaking up or starting a new relationship. It can also be caused by school and school work. Stress is also one. It could be caused also by school/school work or relationships with friends or boyfriends/girlfriends. Problems at home could also be one. If it's annoying little siblings or their fighting parents. The teen years are when the teenager is trying to find themselves. So things, at times, can be extremely hard and stressful for the teen. They do go through a lot and that's probably why teens and parents have a reputation for fighting all the time.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Depends on what kind of drug they are abusing but it could lead to heart problems, liver damage, brain damage, psychosis, cancer (cigarettes at least). Drug abuse could also lead to prison, depression, apathy towards family and friends, loss of family of friends. Drug abuse could lead to a number of horrible place for a teenagers, the worst being the graveyard. Moderate drug use on the other hand could lead to fun times and meeting an assortment of interesting people with crazy ideas, or drug abuse.

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14y ago

For females, their breasts either start or continue to develop going from raised or "puffy" nipples, to buds, to a triangular shape soon to a full, rounder breast shape. They also start their menstruation cycles, or periods as everyone calls it. This is when you get monthly bleeding from the vaginal canal that last anywhere from 3-5 days. The bleeding is actually fertilizing an egg inside of you. The females hips usually widen for supporting a baby when they are ready to have children and bear a child.

For males, their voices get deeper, sometimes dramatically deeper. They usually start having wet dreams, which may seem like wetting the bed, but is really their body growing and changing. It can be anything from dreaming or fantasizing about women or sex. It is completely normal and every boy goes through it. Males also may start getting out of control erections that may "pop up" anywhere at anytime, meaning at school, home, anywhere really. This is also normal. Males do start getting curious about their "little friends" down below and may start masturbating, so parents, start knocking if you have a teenager because they may be playing with themselves, or experimenting.

Puberty usually starts a the adolescent age which can be anywhere from 9 years old to 15 or 16 years old. Don't think you are abnormal if you develop later than your friends. Everyone's petuitary glands will go at their time. You may be an early bird or late bloomer. Either way, you're fine!

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14y ago

the size of our average male genitals is far to small with most men coming under 3 inches erected.

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16y ago

Unexpected pregnancey,drugs,brokenhearts,PURE PRESSURE,suicide, and much more. You may want to visit It has a place for adults,children, and teens to search through.

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15y ago

Mine always was that there were not enough females around.

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