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keep that person in 1 specific room don't allow kids to visit that room clean that room and person's clothes with some good antiseptic cleaner

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Q: What precautions are used when patients have a documented or suspected infection with a highly transmissible pathogen?
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Can you report HIV infection if its documented suspected or possible?

No you can not; it is a HIPAA violation.

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What is respiratory precaution?

In addition to Standard Precautions and Contact Precautions use Droplet (Respiratory) Precautions for patients known or suspected to be infected with microorganisms transmitted by droplets. Droplets can be generated by the patient coughing, sneezing, talking or during the performance of procedure (e.g. nebulisers).

What precautions should be taken prior to recovering refrigerant from a chiller suspected of having to leaks?

Run the circulating pumps

Who to test for HIV?

simply whoever is suspected about HIV infection, anyone can go for it.

What is the cause of transient erythroblastopenia of childhood?

It is suspected that an infection with Parvovirus B19 may be one cause.

How do you know you have a bacterial infection?

you suddenly die, cause you were too lazy to go to the doc when you actually suspected something

What is the definition of a stool culture?

Stool culture is a test to identify bacteria in patients with a suspected infection of the digestive tract.

What are indicates of mastoiditis?

Mastoiditis is usually suspected when a severe middle ear infection is accompanied by redness, swelling, and pain in the mastoid area.

When did Geoffrey Hutchings die?

Geoffrey Hutchings died on July 1, 2010, in London, England, UK of suspected viral infection.

What is the purpose of the streptozyme test?

This test is most useful in evaluating suspected poststreptococcal disease following Streptococcus pyogenes infection, such as rheumatic fever.

Indications for taking blood cultures and appropriate site selection?

I. INDICATIONSRoutine blood cultures should be performed on any patient in whom there is a suspicion of bacteremia or candidemia.Isolator blood cultures should be performed on any patient suspected of having one of the following:1. Subacute or chronic endocarditis with multiple negative BACTEC system cultures. It is appropriate to use the BACTEC system for the initial workup of endocarditis of any suspected etiology. Isolators should be used after multiple BACTEC cultures are obtained and fail to reveal an etiologic agent (including HACEK).2. Suspected deep fungal infection, such as histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, and coccidioidomycosis. Ordinarily, cultures of other sites, such as tissue biopsy, and in some cases serological tests, are more helpful than blood culture.3. Suspected mycobacteremia, particularly in HIV patients with CD4 counts