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Q: What percent of teens get along better with the opposite gender?
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What percent of teens get along better with the opposite sex?

100% haha

What Pokemon likes to play with combuskon in the daycare?

The opposite gender of combuskon gets along nicely. But if they do get along, you'll have a baby torchic waitin for ya! ;)

What zodiac signs does a Leo get along with?

When it comes to "zodiac compatibility", the compatible zodiac signs are Aries and Sagittarius. The opposite of Leo is Aquarius, so if the Aquarius is the opposite gender, they are compatible too.

What gender of rat is best to keep together as a group?

Either gender if raised from a very young age, like siblings. Girls tend to get along better with new rats though.

What is the opposite of taken along with?

The opposite is being left behind.

What is the opposite of left behind?

The opposite of "left behind" is "taken along" or "brought along." It implies that something or someone is not forgotten or abandoned, but instead brought with you.

What is the opposite of leave behind?

The opposite of leave behind is bring along or take with. It means to take something or someone along with you instead of leaving them behind.

How do you breed Eevee in soul silver?

Eevee can only be bred by a Ditto or another Eevee. Make sure you have an Eevee of the opposite gender. You can catch any Ditto to breed with. Make sure the Ditto gets along well with Eevee, however.

What rhymes with along but has an opposite meaning?

walk wrong

Is the opposite of solid liquid or gas?

There is no "opposite" in the way that "good" is the opposite of "bad." Each of those are just different states of matter, points along a continuum. This question is like asking, "What's the opposite of mile marker 1.5 along a highway?" There is no opposite, it's just a point along the way.

If we have a two year old quite high strung male Havanese dog and want another would you recommend a male or a female?

Dogs of opposite genders generally get along better than dogs of the same gender. The hardest combination to manage is usually two females. When getting dogs of opposite gender, be sure to spay and neuter to prevent unplanned litters.Other contributors have said:i would recommend a female because they could have babies an that could be good for the 2 year old. :) If you don't want them to have babies spay/neuter them...but if you find a nice really calm and relaxed but not shy male dog I TOTALY recommend that!!!!

Why do men have transgender surgery?

When a guy turns to a girl, it's called transgender or transsexual. When one transitions, they have known that they were whatever gender they transition to in their mind. One then wants others to see them how they see themselves so they will come out as transgender. Some will like the opposite gender after they transition, or they will like the same gender. Males that change to females often take oestrogen inducers to raise their voices. Some will also get chest implants along with a genitalia surgery. It's also polite to call one by their wanted pronouns, (he/him/his) (her/she/hers) or neutral (them/they/their).