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Officials say 38 percent of the United States population has type O positive blood, making it the most common of the eight blood types. Since 84 percent of the U.S. population can receive type O positive blood, there is a steady demand for it from hospitals and patients. People with type O negative blood are particularly in demand because they are the "universal donor." It means that people of all blood types can receive type O negative blood safely, so it is used during life-threatening emergencies or when the matching blood type is in short supply. ----- Type O negative is roughly 15 percent of the population

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There are actually some minor variations depending where in the US you live and the ethnic make up of the population.

As a whole 44% of America has O Blood Type - 85% of all people are Rh+

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Approximately 7% of people in the UK have O negative blood.

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The American Red Cross says that almost 40% of the population has O+ blood.

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13y ago

1 in 3 people have O positive blood which is 38.4 percent. O+ is the most common type. The least common is AB-, which is 1 in 167 people or 0.7 percent.

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1 in 3 people have o+ blood type.

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About 6%.

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What percent of people have o positive?

Officials say 38 percent of the United States population has type O positive blood, making it the most common of the eight blood types. Since 84 percent of the U.S. population can receive type O positive blood, there is a steady demand for it from hospitals and patients. People with type O negative blood are particularly in demand because they are the "universal donor." It means that people of all blood types can receive type O negative blood safely, so it is used during life-threatening emergencies or when the matching blood type is in short supply. ----- Type O negative is roughly 15 percent of the population

What about O positive people?

O positive is the most common blood type making up about 38% of the population.

Can a A positive father be given blood to a O positive child?

No if i am not mistaken people with O blood have to have their blood type back, however people with O blood can give to anyone in need.

What is type o positive blood?

Type O positive blood is a blood type that lacks A and B antigens on the surface of red blood cells, but has the Rh factor (positive). It is the most common blood type, making up about 38% of the population. People with type O positive blood can donate red blood cells to any other positive blood type recipient.

Type O Blood can only donate to Type O Blood so how are the Type O Blooded people going to ensure their is blood in any Local Blood Bank for them in an emergency?

They're not really going to be able to, aside from just donating every two months. Type O people can only RECEIVE Type O blood, but they can DONATE blood accordingly: O positive can give to A positive, B positive, AB positive or O positive; O negative can give to anyone.

What is the most common blood type?

The most common blood type is O+, which is 40% of humans blood type.

What other blood groups is o positive compatible with?

A person with O positive blood is compatible for transfusion with other blood types that are also positive (O positive and AB positive). However, O positive blood can also be safely transfused to patients with A positive and B positive blood types in certain circumstances.

Can a A positive blood be given safely to a O positive blood and why?

No because type O blood is the universal donor type meaning they can give anyone blood but they can only receive blood from type O people.

Can B positive blood take o positive blood?

Yes, individuals with B positive blood can receive O positive blood in a transfusion because O positive blood is compatible with B positive blood. The recipient's blood type can receive blood from O positive, B positive, and AB positive donors.

If both parents have o positive blood how can the child have o positive L blood?

if both parents have positive o blood their child must have positive o blood

Can 2 people with o negative blood have an o positive baby?


If two people with type O Positive blood have type B positive child?
