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Q: What people like to hear?
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Why people like to hear their name?

People like to hear their name because it make them feel wanted, needed, or just visible in the world.

Would people rather hear the truth or hear a lie?

People would honestly want to hear a lie because most cant handle the truth like most people.

Why might people disagree with the cointelpro?

People do not like to hear the truth. A fat person does not like being told that he/she is fat. Stupid person, does not like to hear that he/she is stupid. Very simple.

What do the character s look like off roll of thunder hear my cry?

The characters in the book Roll of Thunder Hear my cry looks like a few people. Many people think they look like famous people.

Why do people play music in Tanzania?

Because they like to hear it

What kind of music do people in Venezuela hear?

maybe in venezula you may hear spanish music. or something like that.

What are some reasons why people do not like going to church?

They don't like to hear the truth.

What do crazy people like to hear?

of course idiots ..... ONE DIRECTION

Can plants feel vibration or do they hear like people?

They feel it -henry

Related literature about emo music?

WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS!!!!!! People come on, what do you think emo kids are? There not monsters, there people too!!! You could read what the h*** you like and you can hear the music that you f***en like. READ WHAT YOU LIKE AND HEAR THE MUSIC THAT YOU LIKE!!!!!!

Why are people distant they act like they are your friend and then you never hear from them?

Because they don't really like you

Can you hear your exact voice like others hear yours?

No, not always. Some people lack the ability to hear themselves the way other people hear them. For example, look at singing competitions on television. Some people think they sound like amazing singers, but in reality they sound like a screeching cat having his tail stamped on. A way to hear yourself properly is to record your own voice and listen to it, rather than relying on how your brain thinks you sound.