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kidneys, (non-medical) knees, knuckles

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Q: What parts of the human body start with K?
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Is there anything in the human body that has 11 parts?

A K-nex rollercoaster

What are some body parts that begin with k?

Knee, kidneys and knuckles are body parts. They begin with the letter k.

What is the human body temperature in?

About 310 K.

What human characteristics start with k?


What temperature is the human body in kelvin?

About 310 K.

What human body part starts with k?


Are there any body parts beginning with the letter K?

The Knee!

Body part start with k?


Body parts starting with the letter K?

kidneys knee

What will happen without vitamin k?

You probably die because vitamin k is important to have in human body.

What body parts are used by sharks for protection?

Yeah you thick k-nob

What are some male body parts that begin with the letter K?

knee, kidneys and knuckles