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Helen O'Kon

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Q: What parts of medical record should be checked to see whether additional forms need to be added before a patient arrives for an office visit?
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Related questions

When patient files are pulled in preparation for patient hours. describe four major items each file should be checked for?

They should be checked for accuracy, the name of the patient, the insurance of the patient, and the medical history. These help to ensure that the patient is properly taken care of.

Why should the medical assistant glance over the progress notes from the last visit before a patient arrives for his or her appointment with the physician?

to make certain that results from ordered laboratory tests are in the medical record.

Why should medical assistant glance over the progress notes from the last visit before a patient arrives for his or her appointment with the physician?

to make certain that results from ordered laboratory tests are in the medical record.

You are a new assistant in a medical practice, and a patient arrives bleeding, looking pale, and in pain. As a professional, what would be your perception of the need for care of this patient What would be your first action?

simple i'll give him a advice that to consult another doctor then he will be cured..

What is medical repatriation?

If a patient has become sick or injured overseas, additional arrangements and assistance may be required to bring them back home safely.

When a patient arrives at the physician's office and sees the physician is called?


Who owns patient medical records?

The doctor and the patient.

What is the event when patient arrives at a physicians office and see the physician?

An appointment or a consultation.

What would happen if they did not test human medical machines?

If medical machines were not checked, false readings could be given to patients and improper diagnoses could be made. This could lead to serious illness or even death of a patient.

How is nitroglycerin given by EMT?

After checking a patient's blood pressure and obtaining a detailed medical history (focusing on medications that might interact with or contraindicate this type of intervention), a patient must contact medical control, ensure that the patient's nitroglycerin is not expired, that it belongs to the patient, and that the patient has not had too much already. If a patient meets all of these requirements, the EMT can assist the patient in taking a nitro tablet by having them place the pill on the underside of the tongue and allowing it to dissolve. Blood pressure must again be taken and the effectiveness of the medicine checked.

What is the medical billing code for patient is obese?

medical code for patient is obese is 300.3

Can the spouse of the patient see his or her medical records?

A spouse can look at the patient's medical records only with the express consent of the patient.