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Quinine is extracted from Cinchona bark. (World wars one and two were fought and won on this drug.) From common foxglove you get Digitalis derivatives. Bella-dona tree gives you Atropine. Drug used for heart attack, that is morphine is extracted from Opium. Entire Ayurveda was based on herbs. Ayurveda said that there is no herb which can not be used as a remedy for a disease and for every disease, there is one herb.

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15y ago

The leaves and the bark possess medicinal properties. The higher concentration of "medicine" - related to aspirin - can be found in the bark. The "medicine" in the willow tree leaves is more accessible because they are easily ingested and digested.

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12y ago

Aspirin or pain killers.

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9y ago

Aspirin is made from willow trees.

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How do you get willow branches in runescape?

You simply use shears on your Willow Tree, that you planted using the Farming skill.

What type of trimmer do I use for a tall weeping willow tree?

I would use the Gilmour Gear Driven Telescoping Tree Pruner.

On runescape how do you cut willow branches?

You need a farming level of 30 to get them. What you do is get a willow sapling and a basket of apples then go to a tree farming patch. Once there plant the sapling and pay the gardener to take care of you willow tree. Once it has fully grown use a pair of secateurs to the tree and you get willow branches. This also works with August's sapling.

How do you use the word willow in a sentence?

Willow is a noun- the name for a type of tree with long, flowing slender branches that is found growing in very moist soil. "There were two willow trees growing on the bank of the river."

Why is the passive voice appropriate for the sentence The old willow tree has been badly damaged by someone's carelessness?

This use of passive voice is appropriate because the identity of the performer is unknown (or concealed), and because the focus of the sentence is the condition of the willow tree. The alternative in the active voice would be "Someone's carelessness has (had) badly damaged the old willow tree."

How do you use willow in sentence?

The noun 'willow' is a word for a type or tree (common noun), or occasionally the name of a person (proper noun).A noun functions as the subject of the sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:The willow is a graceful tree. (subject of the sentence)The leaves that the willow dropped littered the lawn. (subject of the relative clause)We planted a willow in the yard. (direct object of the verb 'planted')I got the assignment from Willow at school yesterday. (object of the preposition 'from')

What is the use of the root of the coconut tree?

it can be a herbal medicine that can cure diseases.

What is the collective flower of willow called?

The flowers of a willow tree are called catkins. There is no standard collective noun for catkins, but based on their natural formation you could use the collective noun a cluster of catkins.

Why do plants produce chemicals?

Some species of plants contain the base chemicals for many of the product on todays medicine shelves. An example is the presence of aspirin in the Willow tree. Before aspirin was synthesised artificially people used to chew on willow bark to remedy headaches. Many plants are crushed and the juices extracted through process such as centrifugation and filtration. The products can then be put into capsules and taken as medicine. Hope this helps

How do you delete playthrough 2 in borderlands without getting rid of your character?

If your on ps3 or Xbox save your person to a flash drive. Download a program called willow tree on your PC. Use the flash drive to upload your guy to willow tree, you can edit his play through and other stuff

What plant does ibuprofen come from?

Tylenol does not come from a plant. It is synthesized from coal tar.Answer 2: You probably meant asprin, not tylenol. Asprin is very similar to a chemical that can found in willow plants (trees), which is why some herbalist use willow bark for pain relief.

Why did the mass of the willow tree increase by such large amounts?

The mass of the willow tree increased by large amounts due to the uptake of water through its extensive root system and the process of photosynthesis, where the tree converts sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into energy and growth. Additionally, the accumulation of nutrients from the soil and carbon storage in the form of wood also contribute to the increase in mass.