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Well, weirdly I put the soap on the thing then I wash my arms, then armpits, then shaving them, then belly and boobs and things then, vag then legs then shaving them... Oh and then my feet :)

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Q: What part of the body do you wash first?
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each part of our body? Well, start by eating healthy foods and wash everyday :)

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well hand wash is to wash your hands and body wash is to wash your body but you could use both of them for the same thing.

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First, I turn on the shower and wet my head then my whole body. I wash first my hair, my arms, my legs, my belly, and my genital area.

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If some part of your body is stuck in glue, you should wash that part of your body. Leaving glue on your hands or body, can damage your skin so it is important to not leave old glue on your body.

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Yes girls and woman wash their boobs. They need to because it can cause breast cancer and its just another part of their body.

What part of the body should be washed first?

For best hygiene it is best to wash from head to toe. Hair first, feet last. BS. I like to start by washing the dirtiest places first, you know where I mean, and wash your deodorant off so your body has a chance to sweat out some toxins while your in the shower, then the whole body, then repeat the dirty spots, don't forget to scrub your back, and finish off by rinsing in slightly colder water.

What does se laver mean in French?

"Se laver" in French means "to wash oneself." It is a reflexive verb where the subject is also the object of the action, referring to the act of washing one's body or a specific body part.

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The dove body wash will moisturise like lotion.

How do you wash your male organ?

Wash it just like when you wash the rest of your body.

What are the five movements of shampooing?

wash your body and wash your hair

Is it ok to wash your hair with body wash?

Soap is soap.