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The eyes are the same size from birth.

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Q: What part of body stays the same from birth?
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What body part stays the same size your whole life?


What is the only human body part that is the same size from birth to adulthood?

the eye

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None, your body stays the same

What part of your body is the same size from birth to death?

If you are referring to the size of various body parts, the answer is the EYES. They remain the same size from birth to death.Hope this helps.

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The node.

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What other part of the body is the same size as the heart?

the body part is the liver it is the same size of the heart

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Animals whose body temperature usually stays the same are known as "endotherms" or warm-blooded animals. This includes mammals and birds. They can regulate their body temperature internally to maintain a constant level, even when the environmental temperature changes.

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Heating gasses or liquids has no effect on their masses.

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What is the part in the experiment that stays the same?

The part in an experiment that stays the same is called the control variable. It is used as a baseline for comparison with the variable being tested to determine its effect. By keeping the control variable constant, researchers can confidently attribute any observed changes to the manipulated variable.