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Q: What part of a nerve cell receives impulses?
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What cell part receives nerve impulses and hormones from other?

receptor molecules on cell membranes receptor molecules on cell membranes

What part of the eye receives impulses from the cones and rods?

i think the hippocampus.

The part of a neuron that conducts impulses away from its' cell body is called?

An axon will carry nerve impulses away from the cell body.

What part of a nerve cell carries impulses toward the cell body?

There is one way conduction of impulse into the neuron, from dendrites to nerve body to axon.

What part in the human body receives nerve impulses from the central nervous system that causes muscle fibers to contract?

Motor Neurons.

What part of the nervous system has the responsibility for carrying nerve impulse to and from the body?

The dendrites carry impulses to the neuron's cell body. The axon carries impulses away from the cell body.

What part of the of the neuron receives impulses?

The dendrites of a neuron receive impulses from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body.

What is the part of the neuron that carries impulses toward the cell body?

The part of the neuron that carries impulses toward the cell body is the dendrite. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons, allowing for the transmission of information to the cell body.

Which type of nerve cells only carry impulses toward the body of the cell?

Sensory neurons are the type of nerve cells that carry impulses only towards the body of the cell. They transmit sensory information from receptors in the body to the central nervous system for processing.

What part of the brain routes nerve impulses from your senses?

Most nerve impulses from our senses are routed through the: Thalamus-

What part of the nervous system has the responsibility for issuing nerve impulses and analyzing sensory data?

The answer is the central send impulses and the brain and spinal chord are used in this application.

A structure which can change light into nerve impulses is the a.lens b.optic nerve c.cone cell d. brain?

c. cone cell........... cone cells are part of the retina which makes up the back and sides of the main chamber of your eye. they are a photreceptor responsible for color and high vision acuity. they convert light energy into nerve impulses