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Most commonly ecstasy is either meth or heroin based. Most commonly meth based. The majority of ecstasy pills contain MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) but due to the fact MDMA is illegal nearly everywhere it is sometimes replaced with something that produces similar effects on the human body such as amphetamine, meth, ephedrine, or caffeine. Only in rare cases is it replaced with heroin.

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Q: What other drugs are mixed in with the drug extasy?
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It like Extasy and stuff. Its drugs that are mixed. Weed is NOT a designer drug its just weed. Extasy IS, theres like meth and a whole bunch of other drugs. Its a drug thats made up of multiple drugs

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extasy tablet

What is close to extasy on a drug test?

Heroin and cocaine. But they DO have a single test for E now.

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Does extasy come out in drug test?

Yes. It will show up as heroin or cocaine depending on what kind of ex it is.

Other drugs in the narcotics classification?

a narcotic is a drug you can get high from. they are drugs of abuse and addiction.

What drugs refer to types of drugs that lead to the use of other types of drugs?

Technically any drug can be a gateway drug. There are alot of accounts of people that never do any drug but then they get a hold of a hard drug at a young age and it just takes off from there.

Can you take ipubrofen after taking extasy?

that's not a good idea. extasy is a street drug. made with anything the "maker" wants to put in it. including house hold chemicals. people have died from that. don't be another statisic. think smart.

For how long will exctacy be in your system?

Extasy remains in your system differring amounts of time because it is a man-made drug. Due to this, every different batch contains different things, often which are poisonous by themselves. Normally, however, ex will be out of your system between 4 days and a week, just like most pill form drugs. Drugs can be traced from a hair sample up to a year after the drug was taken