Arthritis affects the joints,not the organs. It is when the cartalidge is worn down by excessive, or over time use. When people say youll get artheritis in your fingers when you click them they are partly right. It can also be gained by excesively spinning your arms or using a joint a lot. Dont be scared though as running will not wear it down; only excessive or old age can destroy cartalidge.
Arthritis can affect joints in the body, leading to pain and inflammation. Commonly affected joints include the hands, knees, hips, and spine. In severe cases, arthritis can also impact organs like the heart, lungs, and skin.
Diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, yeasts or parasites can affect organs.
it has athritis
Joint pain is not always and indication of athritis. It can be a symptom to alert you that you may have athritis but is not a guarantee.
HIV, if untreated, has the potential to affect all body organs.
Doesn't really affect the organs. It is a painful spine injury to your backbone.
They are the target organs. Hormones act on the target organs
the mouth
The Colon