An organ system typically consists of multiple organs working together to perform specific functions. The number of organs in an organ system can vary, ranging from a few to many, depending on the complexity of the system. For example, the digestive system includes organs such as the stomach, liver, and intestines, while the respiratory system includes organs such as the lungs and trachea.
No. The collection of organs is organ system.
The correct relationships from least complex to most complex are: atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, biosphere.
Two or more tissues are organs and the organ system is a functioning of organs working together.
An organ system is made up of different organs that work together to perform specific functions in the body. Each organ in the system has a unique role that contributes to the overall function of the system.
The levels of organization from least to most complex are:AtomsMoleculesCellTissueOrganOrgan system
An organ system is made up of Organs
An organ system is a group of organs working together
The relationship between an organ and organ systems are similar to a teammate relationship. An organ system is made up of organs.
An organ system is a groupe of organs that work together, and an organ is.... just one organ i guess. Organs are made from muscles that work together. :)
The difference between organ system and tissue is that organs are made of many layers of tissue working together and a organ system is many organs working together as a system.
It is not an organ system. Bones are not organs. It does help protect some organs, like the brain being inside the skull, but it is not part of an organ system.