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Q: What organ produces eleven hormones?
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Related questions

Which organ system produces the developmental hormones?

The endocrine system produces developmental hormones. :)

What organ produces the hormones in the pancreas?


What is the Function pancreas?

Produces digestive enzymes, and as an endocrine organ, it produces hormones.

What organ produces hormones involved in sugar metabolism?

The pancreas

Edocrinology is the study of the?

Endocrinology is the study of hormones, their receptors, and the diseases and conditions that result from imbalances in the endocrine system.

The endocrine system produces chemicals that effect organ functions The chemicals are called what?


Which reproductive organ produces the hormones that develop the secondary sex in human females?


In frogs what organ produces hormones?

I know that weed killer Deforms The sex organs in frogs, but I'm not sure what produces it.

Reproductive organ produces the hormones that develops the secondary sex characteristics in human females?


Is the hypothalamus considered a neuroendocrine organ?

yes because it produces hormones along with its other neural functions.

What organ affects the body systems?

While all organ systems are linked to some degree, you probably mean the endocrine system, which produces hormones.

What is the secretory organ in the neck?

The thyroid gland is the secretory organ located in the neck. It produces hormones that regulate metabolism in the body.