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Q: What organ is below the xiphoid process?
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What organ is located just below the xiphoid process?


Is the hand below the xiphoid process?

In anatomical position, the hands are indeed inferior to the xiphoid process of the sternum.

Why is your xiphoid process swollen?

causes of swollen xiphoid process

What is the landmark for chest compressions?

On the sternum, just below an imaginary line across the nipples.

What Xiphoid process cause pain and discomfort?

why do i get pains in xiphoid process

What are the three fusion bones that connect to the sternum?

Manubrium, body and xiphoid process

Why xiphoid process is known of landmark for CPR?

To locate, and not push onto the xiphoid process so that it breaks and injures the liver.

The process tip of the breast bone?

Xiphoid process

What does the term xiphoid mean literally and to what sternal feature does it apply?

sward-shaped, to the xiphoid process

When performing c.p.r. what is the name of the place that one applies pushes below the rib cage?

The bone at the intersection of the rib cages is the xiphoid process; it is critical this bone is not pushed on during CPR. The hand position is to be on the sternum, above or superior to the xiphoid process in the middle of the sternum.

What is the body part below the chest?

The body part below the chest is the abdomen. It contains organs such as the stomach, intestines, liver, and kidneys.

What sternal feature identifies the Xiphoid Process for the purpose of land-marking in CPR?

At the bottom of the rib-cage along the midline of the body, you will feel the ribs from the right and left sides of the body come together at a triangular corner. Just below this sits the cartilaginous Xiphoid Process.