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Ever wonder why carrots are orange? Beta-carotene causes red or orange coloration in vegetable flesh. When ingested, the body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, which acts as an antioxidant. There's no need to take this as a supplement, as many vegetables have considerably high amounts of it naturally. Carrots, as mentioned, as well as deep greens, broccoli, and apricots all have high levels. Beta-carotene is helpful in fighting various forms of cancer and Heart disease, boosts immunity, and protects against high blood pressure, depression, and infertility.


The "Got Milk?" campaign really shoved calcium into the spotlight in the 90's, encouraging everyone to binge on milk and get the calcium they need. Although one need not binge on milk to get their necessary daily dosage, it does help to have a serving a day to get what you need. Calcium can also be readily found in soybeans, broccoli, kale, and fortified tofu. If you're calcium deficient, your body will begin to pick away at your bones to get the calcium it needs for daily function, resulting in weaker bones. Calcium is used to enable blood clotting and supports nerve and muscle functions.


Copper is an essential mineral for our bodies. For vegetarians, most copper comes from legumes, nuts, and whole grains, making it fairly easy to obtain without consciously trying. Copper is used to convert calories into useable energy, is vital to respiratory functions, and helps to form bones, red blood cells, nerves, and joint tissue. In short, copper is used all over the place in the body.


Dietary fiber has been attributed to increasing gastrointestinal health, improving glucose tolerance, reducing hypertension, reducing risk of colon cancer, and increased satiety. Fiber assists with digestion, keeping you colon clear, and keeping you regular. Fiber is present in almost all fruits and vegetables, but has especially large concentrations in beans, broccoli, and artichokes.


Iron's main responsibility in the body is to assist in the transport of oxygen in the body. Anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the blood, resulting in decreased delivery of oxygen throughout the body, which can have detrimental effects. More likely than not, though, you get more than enough through the consumption of legumes, broccoli, nuts, and leafy greens. It's readily found in all sorts of foods.


Magnesium is essential to all sorts of body functions, from digestion to vision to the nervous system. It is, quite literally, everywhere in your body. High levels of magnesium can be found in almonds, cashews, soybeans, spinach, and oats, as well as a bunch of other veggies that you probably already eat. Nothing to worry about, but good to know.


Manganese is utilized as a catalyst in the body, helping to convert key vitamins and minerals into useable forms. It can be found in high concentrations in pineapple, brown rice, garbanzo beans, spinach, tempeh, soy beans, and spelt grain, to name a few.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Generally, most Americans have low levels of Omega 3 fatty acids in their system. This is because most of our fat content is composed of solid, saturated fats, which do our bodies no good in the quantities that we consume them. Omega 3's are responsible for boosting performance in our nervous, immune, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. They also assist in creating healthy cell membranes, which transport and exchange nutrients all over the body. Omega 3s are found in leafy greens, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seed, and hemp oils.


Phytochemicals are found only in plants (phyto is Latin for "plant"). There are hundreds of different kinds, performing a wide array of duties in the body. They are known for their antioxidant, cancer fighting, enzyme enacting properties. Eat your vegetables, and lots of them, and you'll have all the phytochemicals you'll need to feel good.


Potassium is an important mineral in all cells, tissues, and organs in the body. It also helps the body conduct electricity, assisting in superhero functions (joking, of course). It's fairly easy to obtain through regular and varied intake of vegetables and legumes. Lots of salty foods in your diet will result in an increased need for potassium in the body.


Phosphorous is often used in tandem with calcium to build bones and repair tissues and cells. Phosphorous is also used in creating DNA, and is used as a balance against a whole host of other vitamins and minerals. Phosphorous is found in beans, peas, squash, broccoli, corn, chard, brussels sprouts, and many others.


Zinc is a catalyst for the proper use of many enzymes. It plays a central role in the proper functioning of healing, cell division, the immune system, and taste and smell. This is slightly trickier to obtain on a vegetarian diet, but can be found in sufficient quantities in almonds, chickpeas, cashews, and a variety of fortified foods.

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Q: What nutrients do you get from vegetables?
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Vegetables has lots of Nutrients in them and vitamins.

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What nutrients are found mainly in fruits and vegetables?

Many vegetables contain different nutrients and vitamins. For example, sweet potatoes are high in potassium and vitamin K but not all vegetables are high in these nutrients.

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No if you microwave the vegetables the nutrients cook right out. The best bet is boiling your vegetables but not to long so all the nutrients don't cook out!

How many nutrients do vegetables have?

depends on the vegtable

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How can you Use the word nutrients in a sentence?

Plants have a lot of nutrients that is why there are tall and strong.

What nutrients are destroyed when you cook vegetables?

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is destroyed when we cook vegetables.

Why does the vegetables are important to your life?

Vegetables give you many nutrients and vitamins. They are essential to healthy life.

Effect of heat on leafy vegetables?

Yes. Heat can destroy nutrients in all vegetables. The only vegetable, also known as a fruit, that does not loose nutrients is tomatoes. The longer the vegetables are cooked, the more nutrients are lost. The nutrients are lost through the water its steamed in, and the steam itself. Raw is best, but if you must cook them, cook until slightly tender, where some nutrients are still there.

What are the main nutrients found vegetables?

Vitamin and minerals

What the main nutrients found in vegetables?

Thomas taylor!!!