

What nut makes you sneeze?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: What nut makes you sneeze?
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What nut sounds like a sneeze?

A Cashew.

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it is not a myth it actually makes you sneeze

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Just call jalen sneeze nut

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What part of your body makes you sneeze?

Your nose

Is black pepper abord pregnancy?

No. It makes you sneeze.

ayo why does my sneeze sound like a cough?

The noise a sneeze makes depends on how the air exists your nose and mouth

A sickness that makes you itch or sneeze?

either an allergy or hayfever

Why do you sneeze when plucking your eyebrows?

Eyebrow plucking makes your nerve system more sensitive making it very easy to generate a sneeze. (:

Why do some people sneeze louder than others?

Some people get more dust and dirt in their noses and it makes them sneeze louder.

How do you sneeze from dusty things?

i think it is from when dust or dust mites get too close to your brain which makes you sneeze (your body trying to blow them away)