okay firs off i had my right kidney removed so this is right down my ally for one you really shouldn't drink sodas, or Carbonated Beverages, you also shouldn;t play contact sports without proper protection, you'll get tired and tired alot easyer now cause your body is consintrateing in that area but youll get used to it
The kidney 1 inch (1.5 cm) thick.
nephron, each kidney has atleast 1 million
There are 3 1. Olivia Kidney 2. Olivia Kidney and the exit academy ( later renamed as Olivia Kidney stops for no one ) 3. Olivia Kidney and the secret beneath the city ( later renamed Olivia Kidney hot on the trail )
because he had a transplant
No, there is no connection between IUDs and the kidney. An IUD is placed in the uterus1, which has no pathway to the kidney.1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iud
Liam James Payne has one kidney! :o Scandalous!
It shouldn't affect you at all - people can function perfectly well with only one kidney.
Roughly 1/2 cup of dried kidney beans equals 100g. Once cooked, 100g of kidney beans will yield about 1/2 to 2/3 cup of cooked beans, depending on how soft you like them.
There are five books in the Olivia Kidney series. Book 1: Olivia Kidney, Book 2: Olivia Kidney and the Exit Academy, Book 3: Olivia Kidney and the Secret Beneath the City, Book 4: Olivia Kidney Stops for No One, and Book 5: Olivia Kidney Hot on the Trail.
1 cup of kidney beans has the most starch compared to 1 medium orange, 8 fluid ounces of milk, and 4 ounces of meat.