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neurotransmitter are not a natural opite

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Q: What neurotransmitter acts as a natural opiate?
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Is barbiturate an opiate?

No. A barbiturate is a cellular poison, an opiate mimics a normal neurotransmitter, thus changing the action of a cell but not the cell itself.

What neurotransmitter acts as a analgesics?


Is dopamine an Inhibitory transmitter?

No, dopamine is not an inhibitory neurotransmitter. It is a type of monoamine neurotransmitter that acts as both an excitatory and modulatory neurotransmitter in the brain.

Does pregabalim show as an opiate on a drug test?

if your referring to pregabalin (Lyrica) then the answer is no. It has no narcotic activity and in no way resembles an opiate structurally. It resembles GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS.

What is the natural opiate like neurotransmitter linked to pain control and to pleasure?

Endorphins are the natural opiates like neurotransmitters linked to pain control and pleasure. They are produced in response to stress and pain, helping to alleviate discomfort and promote feelings of well-being and euphoria.

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Is Ultram considered the same opiate as Hydrocodone?

Ultram or Tramadol is an opioid -- a synthetic opiate. It acts much like an opiate in your system.

Is serotonin organic or inorganic?

Serotonin is an organic molecule (5-hydroxytryptamine) that acts as a neurotransmitter.

What i opiate?

Opiate describes any of the opioid analgesic alkaloids found as natural products in the opium poppy plant

Which neurotransmitter is the bodys natural pain killer?

endorphins looked in my book :)

Which neurotransmitter the body's natural pain killer?

endorphins looked in my book :)