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i doubt anything will work as a substitute to the morning after pill, i suggest you go asap to your gp get a prescription for the mornign after pill or just go to your parmacy and get the morning after pill.

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Q: What natural things can you use as the morning after pill?
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Is there a pill you can use after you get pregnant?

No, there is a morning after pill, but once you are pregnant (the embryo has embedded), you need an abortion.

Why do you use the morning after pill?

The emergency contraceptive pill is used in a variety of circumstances to significantly decrease the chances of conceiving.

If you take the morning after pill and contiue to take the birth control pill is the birth control still effective for the rest of the month?

If you had missed a pill or been late with a pill, causing you to take the morning after pill, then you should use a back up method of birth control for the next seven days. If you didn't forget a pill or take a pill late, then I'm not sure why you took the morning after pill, but the birth control pill will still be effective even though you took the morning after pill. The morning after pill doesn't make the birth control pill less effective.

Who tablate use in prevent pregnancy after 5 days?

There is none. The morning after pill is it.

What if a pill was skipped on the third week and your partner ejaculated inside of you do you need to take the back up pill or start a new pack of pills?

When this happens, you need to use a condom for 7 days because you missed a pill. You could also take the morning after pill.

Is the contraceptive method a sin?

Contraceptive just means anything which can prevent conception. Abstinence does this best and abstinence is not a sin. Also, condom use is not regarded as a sin (at least by the vast majority of the world's religions). Even birth control pill use, IUD use and the morning after pill are not considered "sinful" by the majority of people (although there is more controversy regarding use of the morning after pill - than with any other contraceptive method except abortion).

Can you use the morning after pill instead of birth control?

No. no you cannot. if you are already on birth control and you use the morning after pill because you forgot to take your pill you still must take the pill. if you aren't on birth control but you had unprotected sex and want to use the morning after pill to protect you from that one case it's a good idea. but you can't always use it. it isn't 100% effective and you should really just use condoms or get on the pill.

What will you do if a Miss a dose of oral contraceptive?

Take the pill you've forgotten as soon as possible when you remember you've forgotten. The risk of not being protected anymore is highest when you've forgotten to take the pill in the first 7 days of the strip and the last 7 days of the strip. If you've forgotten a pill about halfway of you're strip it's a little less risky. If you take the pill more than 12 hours after you take it normally, it's not safe anymore. So use a condom for the rest of the month. The morning after pill is also an option. You can keep taking you're pill the way you usually do if you use the morning after pill as well. But the morning after pill isn't meant for regular use, so try to just use a condom for the rest of the month. Also, if this is not the first time you've forgotten to take you're pill, you might wanna think about using something else like the vaginal ring of injections. That way you don't have to remember everyday.

How do you be safe without getting pregnant?

Use a condomn and birth control, if worst comes to worse get a morning after pill at you local pharmacy

Does the sperms get out during periods after the use of the morning after pill?

Hi, You cannot become pregnant during your period. This is physically impossible. Always use a condom to prevent pregnancy.

Should you take the morning after pill if you're on NuvaRing?

There should be no need to use Plan B while correctly using Nuva Ring.

If you have just started taking birth control could you still take plane B?

Of course you can. If you have just started birth control it's actually better if you stick with a condom or a morning after pill for the first 2-3 weeks. I don't know what hormones they use but I was encouraged by my gyno to use morning after even on the pill. So it can't be that dangerous