I don't think any particular race has more follicles, but there are some where it is less likely to be groomed short-like Italians, Some Russian countries, etc. Some of these the women go natural under their arms as well.
It is important to note that physical characteristics such as the amount of pubic hair a person has are not determined by nationality. Pubic hair growth is primarily influenced by genetics, hormones, and individual differences. Therefore, there is no specific nationality associated with women having the most pubic hair.
Well, honey, the amount of pubic hair a woman has isn't determined by her nationality. It's all about genetics and personal grooming choices. So, whether she's from Brazil, Sweden, or Timbuktu, it's really none of our business how much hair she's got down there. Just focus on being respectful and minding your own business, okay?
Yes, men like women with pubic hair. All adult women have pubic hair, thus a man who is attracted to adult women (rather than children) likes to see an adult womans body. Some men may have a preference to their partners removing their pubic hair, but all men should expect and respect that adult women have pubic hair.
First of all it helps to keep the vagina clean and mostly during periods, most men prefer having intercourse with a woman who has shaved pubic hair, it is considered sexy by the woman herself and/or her partner, it helps to keep the pubic area dry either from sweating and last but not least; for some women the pubic hair can make the vagina sore during friction and/or hair pulling during sex.
What men like is irrelevant.Aside from the fact not all men share one hive brain, their preferences do not impact on how women personally chose to groom themselves. The fact is that adult women are supposed to have pubic hair, it's part of the role of pubic hair to protect the genitals and pubic hair is a sign of sexual maturity. Most adult men want a sexual partner who looks like a sexually mature adult, not like a pre-pubescent child.
Hair that surrounds the "pubic" region, specifically that around the external genitalia, is referred to as pubic hair or "Pubes". Hair that appears elsewhere on the body is not considered "pubic" hair even though it may become more pronounced or heavier during puberty when pubic hair grows most rapidly.
I would say very little if not none but that's just me
People typically have more hair on regions of their body known as androgenic hair, such as the scalp, armpits, pubic area, and face. Hair density and thickness can vary depending on genetic factors and hormonal influences.
It's just hair. If you are getting it on your genitals you most likely are in puberty and it's pubic hair.
Yes most men and women prefer it that way. Although you can shave your pubic area entirely, most men actually think it's hotter if you have a little there but well groomed.
According to the website www.examhealth.com "Fashion and grooming trends have extended below the waist. 23 percent say they shave part of their pubic hair off. Nine percent say they shave all of their pubic hair off.Women in the 18 to 44 age group are more likely to remove hair in their pubic region than women over 45, perhaps because this age group is more likely to think that men prefer a well-manicured pubic region on a woman (38 percent of women aged 18-44 think most men prefer a manicured look, compared to 14 percent of women aged 45-54 and 3 percent of those aged 55 and older).An ObyGyn friend ib=n Denver tells me that over half the women from 15 - 20 shave most or all of their pubic hair. She recommends it for hygiene reasons.
All races are about the same, on average.
well most likely he does, he is 18 or older now, so its only natural he would of started puberty. and in case your wondering what color his pubic hair is, its most likely the same color as his eye brows..
Hair is the most densely concentrated around the pubic region, axillary region (armpits), and of course the top of the head.