AUG is an abbreviation for the word August. August is the 8th month of the calendar year and is followed by September.
AUG is an abbreviation for the word August. August is the 8th month of the calendar year and is followed by September.
The start codon. The codon AUG is generally referred as the start codon because the translation of mRNA begins on AUG.
Abolhassan Banisadr (Feb.04.1980-Jun.22.1981)Mohammad Ali Rajai (Aug.02.1981-Aug.30-1981)Ali Khamenei (Oct.13.1981-Aug.03.1989)Akbar Hashemi rafsanjani (Aug.03.1989-Aug.02-1997)Mohammad Khatami (Aug.02.1997-Aug03-2005)Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Aug.03.2005-present)
In name only or assigned to a person by name
A group of format specifications that are assigned a name is called a format setting or format template. This allows for easy re-use of the format specifications by referring to the assigned name when formatting data.
The name of the first person Tris was assigned to fight in the book "Divergent" is Molly.
(all reruns) Aug 1 Brake Fluid Aug 4 Buying Power Aug 5 My Jaw Dropped Aug 6 Utah Jazz Aug 7 Food Voucher Aug 8 Oil Gauge Aug 11 Epic Saga Aug 12 It's your move Aug 13 Compy Sofa Aug14 Knowing Wink Aug 15 It Looks Iffy Aug 18 White Gravy Aug 19 Microscope Aug 20 A Snug Fit Aug 21 Bike Rack Aug 22 Words of Wisdom Aug 25 Quiet Down Aug 26 World Map Aug 27 Party Favor Aug 28 Jedi Knight Aug 29 Ladybug
File name
its spiraled
The common name assigned to a new drug that begins with a lower-case letter is known as a generic name.