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Q: What muscle wrinkles the forehead horizontally?
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The muscle that raises the eyebrow and wrinkles the skin of the forehead is?

voluntary muscle

What is the definition of frontalis?

The frontalis is a muscle located in the forehead of humans that allows for raising the eyebrows and creating facial expressions. It is responsible for forehead wrinkles and furrowing.

Where would you find your corrugator?

foreheadThe corrugator is the muscle that contracts the forehead into wrinkles and pulls the eyebrows together.

Muscle beneath the frontalis and the orbicularis oculi?

Muscle located beneath the frontalis and orbicularis oculi is called corrugator muscle. It draws the eyebrow down and wrinkles the forehead vertically.

What is the antagonist muscle to the frontalis?

The antagonist muscle to the frontalis is the occipitalis. The frontalis muscle raises the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead, while the occipitalis muscle pulls the scalp backwards.

What muscle enables raising of eyebrows and wrinkling of the forehead?

Currugator muscle draws the eyebrow down and wrinkles the forehead

Are muscles in face connected to the skin?

yes, one would have the laugh lines or wrinkles in the forehead, etc because of the specified area muscle movement.

What muscles produce wrinkles in your forehead?

the frontal belly of the epicranius

What does it mean if you have 4 forehead wrinkles?

Nothing particularly.

What movement does frontalis have?

Wrinkles the skin of the forehead & elevates the eyebrows

Is it normal for 14 year old .girl. to get wrinkles .in the forehead.?

no..only if your frowning

What is a forehead lift?

A forehead lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure intended to improve a person's appearance by correcting the shape of the eyebrows and reducing horizontal wrinkles or furrows in the skin of the forehead.