

What molecules are produced from excess fat breakdown?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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โˆ™ 11y ago

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Mostly free fatty acids and triglycerides.

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โˆ™ 11y ago
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Q: What molecules are produced from excess fat breakdown?
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Catalyses the breakdown of lipids (fat molecules) into fatty acid and glycerol molecules

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Which molecule is common to catabolism of fat and glucose?

Catabolism is the breakdown of molecules into smaller units. The molecule that is common to the catabolism of fat and glucose is known as acetyl CoA.

How do nutrition help the body?

Fat is produced by the body when an excess intake of calories in the form of food or drink occurs.

How can the parts of ahuman body digest system help to break down molecules of fat?

Fat is first processed by a mechanical breakdown in the mouth through chewing and in the stomach through its โ€˜churningโ€™ action. Lipase, an enzyme produced in the pancreas, converts fat in the small intestine into fatty acids and glycerol. Chewing helps to increase the surface area of food and hence increase the rate of this breakdown. Bile acids, which are produced by the liver, aid this process by emulsifying the fat (further increasing surface area) and by packaging the fatty acids and glycerol into small, water-soluble molecules which can be absorbed by the small intestine. Bile also helps to neutralise the acid from the stomach, reducing acid reflux and producing alkaline conditions in the small intestine where the fat is being broken down and absorbed

Is bile an enzyme specifically used for the chemical breakdown of fat?

Bile is not an enzyme, but an emulsifying agent. It physically breaks down fat into smaller molecules, providing a greater surface area for the work of fat-digesting enzymes.

Where is excess fat a greater risk?

Excess fat around the _______ represents a greater risk to health than excess fat elsewhere on the body.

Is it true that excess protein turns to fat?

Yes. Excess everything in your diet gets turned to fat. The body uses a carb called glucose to power everything. All carbs are eventually broken down into glucose like molecules (except cellulose). If you aren't getting enough carbs in your diet then your liver starts making glucose from protein by a process called gluconeogensis. The excess glucose produced will then be turned into fat. Long term high protein low carb diets will deprive your body of the nutrients it needs by converting all the nutrients into glucose.

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Excess sugar is converted to fat and stored in fat cells.

What is the medical term meaning excess of fat in feces?

Steatorrhea is excess fecal fat.

What two structures add digestive juices for the breakdown of fat?

The gallbladder and pancreas add digestive juices for the breakdown of fat.