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ciliary body
ciliary body

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Q: What modification of the choroid that controls the shape crystalline lens?
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What modification of the choroid that controls the shape crystalline lens that is not present in humans is found in cow's eyes?

I believe the answer is tapetum lucidium. It is a specialized surface that reflects the light within the eye and is found in the eyes of animals that live under conditions of low-intensity light. It's not found in humans.

What structure surrounding the lens that connects the choroid and it alters the shape of the lens?

The ciliary body, which consists of ciliary muscles and ciliary processes, is the structure that surrounds the lens and connects to the choroid. The ciliary body controls the shape of the lens through the action of the ciliary muscles, which can adjust the thickness of the lens to allow for focusing on objects at different distances.

What is the crystal shape of a pearl?

Pearls are not crystalline and don't have a crystal shape.

What is the natural shape of a mineral?

The natural shape of a mineral would be its crystalline structure.

What are the structures of the uveal tract?

The uveal tract is composed of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. The iris is the colored part of the eye that regulates the amount of light entering the eye. The ciliary body produces aqueous humor, which nourishes the eye and maintains its shape. The choroid is a vascular layer that provides oxygen and nutrients to the retina.

Which of these is the shape of a crystal of NaCl?

Face-centered cubic crystalline structure.

What is shape of sodium chloride?

The crystalline structure is face-centered cubic.

What is natural shape of a mineral called?

That would be it's crystalline form.

Why opal water and mercury are not true minerals?

Minerals by definition are solid, naturally occurring inorganic materials with a definite shape and crystalline structure. Opal water and mercury are both liquids lacking a definite shape and crystalline structre.

Which has a definite volume and indefinite shape gas or liquid?

Super-cooled liquidsA gas takes the shape of its container and fills it, as well. A liquid takes the shape of its container but doesn't fill it necessarily. A solid has a definite volume and shape and usually, but not always, exhibits a crystalline structure. Solids that do not have a crystalline structure are sometimes called "super-cooled liquids" because liquids have no crystalline structure. Glass is a good example of a solid that has no crystalline structure.

What shape is a grain of salt and why?

The crystalline structure of sodium chloride is face-centered cubic.

What shape does common rock salt have?

The crystalline structure of sodium chloride is face-centered cubic.