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Q: What medications test positive for benzoylecgonine?
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What level is high for benzoylecgonine?

2 ng/mL produces a positive drug test result.

Can you give info on benzoylecgonine?

Benzoylecgonine is the thing they test for in a drug test. Its is the metabolite of cocaine which is detected in the urine of people who have recently abused the drug.

Could any type of asthma medications make you test positive for methamphetamine on a urine drug test?

There are no asthma medications that could make a person test positive for any illegal drugs.

How do you get Benzoylecgonine out of system?

ESTEROM- for muscle pain. This is a legal drug.

What drugs cause a positive ana test result?

Certain medications, such as hydralazine, isoniazid, procainamide, and some anticonvulsant medications increase the chances of having a positive ANA test and biologic medications like Remicade, Humira, Enbrel can cause false positive results.

What heartburn medications cause a positive drug test?


Are there any over the counter medications that can make test positive for hydrocodone?

Nothing will.

What medications will make you test positive for meth if you havent used?

Desoxyn and adderall, maybe Vyvanse, and other ADHD medications

Can any medications make you test positive for cocaine in a urinalysis?

Coca-Cola from 1904.

Do benzoylecgonine be in your hair?

Yes. Drug tests using hair will test for benzoylecgonine, if you test positive for cocaine on an immunoassay test. If you test positive for benzoylecgonine, a metabilite of cocaine, you have no defense for accidently ingestion. The average human grows 1/2 of an inch of hair in a month, so the testing facility will cut at least 180 strands of over 1 1/12 inch length hair for testing (ANY type of hair). The legal system currently states that hair drug tests can go back 90 days (hence the 1 1/2 inch length) and if they use a GC/MS or LC/MS/MS to determine the quantitative amount, you are very hard pressed to deny anything.

Are there medications that would make you test positive for THC on a drug test?

Dronabinol Marinol Naboline Cesamet Sativex Cannabidiol possibly others...

Can theraflu give you a positive drug test?

It should not. But ALWAYS put that you took that medication on your page about "medications you have taken"