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A lot of times if you know you have high cholesterol and your doctor has not prescribed you any medicines to take for it then it probably isn't at complete critical level yet and you can make lifestyle changes to get it back down to normal to learn about the different things you can do to lower it without medications to to Otherwise if you are wanting to take medications and not make the changes then go to to find out what to take.

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Q: What medications can I use to get normal cholesterol?
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Is it important for me to be on high cholesterol diet plans to improve my cholesterol condition?

Your diet is an important factor in achieving and maintaining normal cholesterol levels, in addition to engaging in physical activity, taking any medications prescribed by your doctor, and stopping smoking (if that applies to you).

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There are no types of surgery for high cholesterol, but there are drug medications that may help.

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is Cholesterol a normal part of living things.

Are there any websites that can help me find normal cholesterol numbers?

You can find out about normal cholesterol levels at Additionally you can learn more about cholesterol at

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What is a normal cholesterol for a 51 year old female

How can you lower your high cholesterol?

There are many treatments available for lowering cholesterol levels including low-fat and low-cholesterol diets, regular exercise, and prescription medications.

What is a normal cholesterol level in a middle-aged male?

A normal cholesterol level for a middle-aged male would be anywhere from 135 to 200. Those levels are considered normal. normal cholesterol level normal glucose level normal cholesterol level for 40-60 age man I have ants in my feet less tha 200 what is the level for a middle aged what is the normal cholesterol level in a 64 year old woman All LDL isn't bad. The size of the particle of cholestoral is what determines this. As far as I know there is nothing about HDL that is bad. Most cholestoral comes from some types of fats. I have no idea? is normal 203 cholesterol Normal cholesterol level for an 86 year old woman? what are the symtems

Where can I find out more about normal cholestoral numbers?

Seeing as cholesterol with have it's greatest affects on our heart, the best resource for cholesterol information is at Click on 'Conditions' and then 'Cholesterol' to find comprehensive information on normal cholesterol numbers and more.


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