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The stool gets the normal brown color from bile, excreted from the liver into the small intestine. (for digestion). So if this bile does not come into the small intestine due to a liver problem (less / no production, e.g. in hepatitis) or an obstruction along its path, the stool colour turns white. (E.g. choleductolithiasis - gallstone). Some of the causes are rather serious, so a physician should be consulted promptly.

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Q: What mean white stools?
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Do alcoholics have white stools?

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Can maalox cause white stools?

Maalox is an antacid medication that typically does not cause white stools as a side effect. White stools can be caused by other factors such as liver or gallbladder issues, so it's important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation if you notice this symptom.

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Is it normal to have White stools after surgery?

The brown colour of stools is mainly due to bile, produced in the liver. White stools indicate that bile is not getting into the intestine due to blockage of the bile duct, most commonly due to gallstones. If it happens after gallbladder surgery, it may indicate damage to the bile duct.

Is cockroach stools long black with white at the end of it?

You are probably talking about lizard's excreta/feces. It is what looks like "black with white at the end of it"

What causes white stools and diahreah?

Speaking to my local vet, white stools from dogs (rarely seen these days) were due to eating bones. Remember when we used to go to local butchers instead of supermarkets and they used to give them out for free? As bones cannot be digested and together with high amounts of calcium and marrow, dog stools turned white! If this same problem is happening to anyone you know, I'd get them to seriously look into their diet - or visit the doctor ASAP.

What does it mean to have hair in your stools?

It means you have been licking the floor too much.

Oily yellow floating stools?

What does it mean when the stool started out as is yellow and floating.

Why is your child having black runny stools?

It could mean he has a colon ulcer.

Is it a concern if my father had nearly white stools and is now very constipated and a laxative hasn't worked?

Yes it is a matter of concern to the person if the stool is white.

What do the medical terms constipation and melena mean?

Melena is stool that's dark and tarry due to blood. Constipation is infrequent stools, usually referring to stools that are difficult to pass.