it means you are peeing blood
A trace is a small amount
it measn the RBCs are not whole
What does a trace of keystones mean in a urine test mean?
Nicotine Blood Urine. This will trace even small amounts of nicotine in the blood or urine.
There were a few white blood cells in your urine sample.
What does a trace of keystones mean in a urine test mean?
It means you did cocaine.
"Lysed" in the context of blood in urine means that the red blood cells have been broken down or damaged, leading to the release of hemoglobin into the urine. This could be indicative of various conditions such as trauma, infection, or certain medical procedures. Further testing may be needed to determine the underlying cause.
Not likely. Tattoo ink may be removed from the blood, but it would appear in trace amounts in urine.
If a person took 21 Advil's there should be a trace of the medicine in the blood work, but not necessarily the urine sample.
Brown urine means that your urine is concentrated and you need to be hydrated. After blood transfusion, there should be more urine produced because there is enough blood in the circulation.